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Showing posts from July, 2024

How Do I Make A Search Function For Multiple Of Images In Html

I am new in building a html website. I have many gif animations in a folder. I want to make a sear… Read more How Do I Make A Search Function For Multiple Of Images In Html

How To Prevent The Browser From Requesting The Assets Come From The Ajax Response

It might be a silly question, but please consider I'm very newbie in web. I made an ajax with j… Read more How To Prevent The Browser From Requesting The Assets Come From The Ajax Response

Google Maps : Change Map Marker Location On Dropdown

I want to change map marker position on basis of dropdown change even,What I'm doing is I get l… Read more Google Maps : Change Map Marker Location On Dropdown

Jquery Hide By Clicking Outside Of Div

Hello, I'm trying to make a JavaScript dynamic display of an image. Here’s my code: ). click ( … Read more Jquery Hide By Clicking Outside Of Div

How To Redirect User To Login Page When Refreshing The Page In Angularjs

In my application I want to redirect the user to the login page when he refreshes the page he is vi… Read more How To Redirect User To Login Page When Refreshing The Page In Angularjs

Jquery Undo Append

I've got a table with a button inside a td, once I press the button it adds text to the td. I w… Read more Jquery Undo Append

Android And Php Creating An Api

I'm trying to set up a PHP API for my Android application to interact with, my problem is that … Read more Android And Php Creating An Api

Using Document.queryselector('.').style. To Change *two* Css Properties Of A Different Div

In follow-up to an earlier question. I have the following script: document.querySelector('.cli… Read more Using Document.queryselector('.').style. To Change *two* Css Properties Of A Different Div

How To Remove Extra Spaces On The Section

I'm trying to removed the extra space underneath the The place to book your radio, podcast and … Read more How To Remove Extra Spaces On The Section

Vertical Scrolling Bar For A Table Using Html

I want to fixe a height for my html table in the web page and if it pass the height automatically a… Read more Vertical Scrolling Bar For A Table Using Html

Html5 Canvas: Image Resizing

I'm trying to place an image on a canvas without resizing it. I thought drawImage(img, x, y) wo… Read more Html5 Canvas: Image Resizing Mvc3 Htmlhelper Extension Method Like Beginform That Uses A Partial View?

I created an extension method based on this answer to the SO question c# - How can I create a Html … Read more Mvc3 Htmlhelper Extension Method Like Beginform That Uses A Partial View?

Remove Empty Tags In Imperavi Redactor

Using Imperavi Redactor with Yii 2 framework. When no text is entered, Imperavi Redactor produces t… Read more Remove Empty Tags In Imperavi Redactor

Finding An Ng-repeat Index?

I can do this in Angular.js: {{ }} Which would iterate through all the customers… Read more Finding An Ng-repeat Index?

How To Delete Parts Of Local Storage With Removeitem?

I am creating a web app which tracks people's weight. I have one page where an array is stored … Read more How To Delete Parts Of Local Storage With Removeitem?

Change Static Navbar To Fixed On Scroll When Bottom Of Hero Section Is Reached

How can I make the static positioned navigation bar become fixed when the end of specific section i… Read more Change Static Navbar To Fixed On Scroll When Bottom Of Hero Section Is Reached

Js Forward Slash Not Printing

I want a javascript function to replace all the b's with an html tag but it's only printin… Read more Js Forward Slash Not Printing

Django 'managementform Data Is Missing Or Has Been Tampered With' When Saving Modelforms With Foreign Key Link

I am rather new to Django so this may be an easy question. I have 2 modelForms where there is a For… Read more Django 'managementform Data Is Missing Or Has Been Tampered With' When Saving Modelforms With Foreign Key Link

Set Css Style Only To First Row Of The Table

How to access with CSS first row of the table with different tr class name. Date Solution 1: #righ… Read more Set Css Style Only To First Row Of The Table

Span Element With Display: Inline-flex Has Greater Height Than Sibling Span

While playing with flex container I have noticed that both Chrome and Firefox render it with a heig… Read more Span Element With Display: Inline-flex Has Greater Height Than Sibling Span

3 Column Flex Layout - Middle Column Only As Width As It's Content

My fiddle so far: This post is a sequel to my previous post. Quest 1: I'd like the middle co… Read more 3 Column Flex Layout - Middle Column Only As Width As It's Content

How To Make Two Lists Interchangeable, And When Selection Complete Save Dropped

I am using jQuery and specifying two selectors together. Then I try to refer each variable in this … Read more How To Make Two Lists Interchangeable, And When Selection Complete Save Dropped

Thymeleaf + Html5 - Can't Find Js Or Css

I'm working on a new application using Thymeleaf that's built upon another one. But instead… Read more Thymeleaf + Html5 - Can't Find Js Or Css

Toggle Pseudo Class :active With Css/jquery

i have a little css problem. There is a div which is only display an image of an help mark. What i … Read more Toggle Pseudo Class :active With Css/jquery

How To Pass A Javascript Function In A Dynamically Created Div

I want to pass a javascript function to a dynamically created div, like I am attempting below. If I… Read more How To Pass A Javascript Function In A Dynamically Created Div

How To Make A Ussd Call On A Iphone From A Button In A Webpage?

How to make a USSD call on a iPhone from a button in a webpage? I have tried the urlencode tel%3A*1… Read more How To Make A Ussd Call On A Iphone From A Button In A Webpage?

How To Send A Soap Request In Javascript, Like In Soapui

I am currently working on a NodeJS project where I need to use some soap/xml/wsdl. The problem is t… Read more How To Send A Soap Request In Javascript, Like In Soapui

To Remove Previous Markers Before Adding New Markers

I am trying to develop Location based web application .I am facing problem to remove previous marke… Read more To Remove Previous Markers Before Adding New Markers

Html/css Footer Troubles

I've looked on previous SO posts and tuts but have not had any luck with my own code. My foote… Read more Html/css Footer Troubles

How To Center A Fixed Element?

I'm a total novice in HTML/CSS, but I'm having trouble with centering a fixed h1 element. I… Read more How To Center A Fixed Element?

How To Get Selected Option Id?

to get the selected value from HTML select: options[selectedIndex].value what if i want to get the … Read more How To Get Selected Option Id?

How To Find A Button With "value" In Html Page (webbrowser - Delphi)

i have a html page that it have 3 forms with 3 submit buttons . buttons have no name but they have … Read more How To Find A Button With "value" In Html Page (webbrowser - Delphi)

How Do I Call The Click Function Of An Html Button Using The Class Name Of The Control Or Its Value But Not The Id?

I'm creating a WPF application that opens a WebBrowser instance and get the HTML code ... I was… Read more How Do I Call The Click Function Of An Html Button Using The Class Name Of The Control Or Its Value But Not The Id?

Pure Javascript - Click And Scroll To Div Inside Div

I have the following HTML, with scrollbar: Something Something Solution 1: You can use the scrollI… Read more Pure Javascript - Click And Scroll To Div Inside Div

Access User Input Value Saved On One Page On Another Page Using Javascript

I am trying to get the user input value from one page, on another page, for example, On my HTML pag… Read more Access User Input Value Saved On One Page On Another Page Using Javascript

Svelte: Associate Label And Input In A Reusabe Way

I'm building a Svelte input component which should be usable multible times on the same page. {… Read more Svelte: Associate Label And Input In A Reusabe Way

Warning: Session_start(): Cannot Send Session Cookie - Headers Already Sent By (output Started At

The following warning comes in login page: Its working in localhost but not in remote host Warning:… Read more Warning: Session_start(): Cannot Send Session Cookie - Headers Already Sent By (output Started At

Ajax - Using Post Instead Of Get

Up until now I have been using:'GET','server_script.php?q='+str,true… Read more Ajax - Using Post Instead Of Get

Use Web.config To Allow Server-side Includes In Html Files (iis)

In IIS 7.5, is it possible to use web.config alone to enable SSI processing for files that have the… Read more Use Web.config To Allow Server-side Includes In Html Files (iis)

Can Meteor's Appcache Also Store Database Data?

With the latest Meteor version 0.5.9 I've been experimenting with the appcache package, and rea… Read more Can Meteor's Appcache Also Store Database Data?

Jquery Append And Remove Values From Checkbox To Textarea

I am trying to append or remove values of checkbox to textarea, I tried using the following code wh… Read more Jquery Append And Remove Values From Checkbox To Textarea

How To Put A Tooltip On Input When Its Not Valid

I want to show a tooltip on ma text input when it's not valid This is my function in js: functi… Read more How To Put A Tooltip On Input When Its Not Valid

Text In Outlook Doesn't Use Line-height

I'm creating a Email with Html and I stumbled upon an issue with Outlook 2010. Here is my code:… Read more Text In Outlook Doesn't Use Line-height

Partially Select Text Inside Text Field

I want my script to select just a part of the text inside a text field ( Solution 1: You will need… Read more Partially Select Text Inside Text Field

How Can I Have A Preselected Input For When Type="file"?

Note: The answers & comments below reflect the state of legacy browsers in 2009. Now you can ac… Read more How Can I Have A Preselected Input For When Type="file"?

Side By Side Placement Instead Of Vertically Placed Charts

I would like to place the charts side by side but they are being rendered one below another . Pleas… Read more Side By Side Placement Instead Of Vertically Placed Charts

If Statement Doesnt Work When Included With Two Variables

I want to create a simple login system with the help of javascript. Unfortunately, the if statement… Read more If Statement Doesnt Work When Included With Two Variables

Loop Insert Problem, Reload Page Load?

Im trying to achieve an insert statment and return using my function in the pageload. Not sure how … Read more Loop Insert Problem, Reload Page Load?

Space Behind Bootstrap Navbar

Using bootstrap's navbar, I am trying to figure out how to make it not to hide the top of the b… Read more Space Behind Bootstrap Navbar

Need Help With: Jquery Prepend Doctype To Html

Here's my situation: I am editing an application's CSS style sheet. I can ONLY edit the C… Read more Need Help With: Jquery Prepend Doctype To Html

Limit Textfield Input To Digits Only

I've searched Google, but all the solutions I could find were really complicated and long. What… Read more Limit Textfield Input To Digits Only

Align Divs Left And Right Next To Each Other

I'm not sure if i'm doing this right. Trying to align divs left and right on same line, But… Read more Align Divs Left And Right Next To Each Other

Changing Color Of Rounded Corners Button With Css

thanks a bunch in advance! i was able to make a rounded corner button using CSS. i like to be able … Read more Changing Color Of Rounded Corners Button With Css

Loading Script From .js File

I'm trying to load a .htm template from .js file. But there is a script present in .htm file wh… Read more Loading Script From .js File

Call Selection Jquery Event Inside Tinymce Text Selection

I have been trying to call jQuery select function inside a tinymce text area after the text selecti… Read more Call Selection Jquery Event Inside Tinymce Text Selection

How To Use Content-security-policy With Localhost Files

I am getting the following error on my page: Refused to load the script '… Read more How To Use Content-security-policy With Localhost Files

How To Fade/blend Between 2 Divs In A Less 'clunky' Way

NB My Header: div elements within a parent container positioned absolutely so they overlap. You ca… Read more How To Fade/blend Between 2 Divs In A Less 'clunky' Way