JQuery Create A Scroll Follow Div
ok I have seen people using position:fixed to have a div follow the scroll. I have also seen the following solution which is good ( Jquery follow scroll ) but I was wondering how
Solution 1:
As a slight alternative to Adam Hutchinson's
It's pretty self explanatory but just say if you need anything explained.
Solution 2:
This div in the example is not polsition:fixed, or absolute. What they do is to animate the margint-top attribute on scroll relatively
Solution 3:
Looks like you need to map an event to the document scrolling and then move a div relative to the scroll. Something along these lines may give you somewhere to start.
$('#divtomove').css('top', $(document).scrollTop());
Solution 4:
Also, this is the code in the example page, just to get an idea
var $scrollingDiv = $("#customize");
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > 490) {
if (($("#maincontentbox").height() - $(window).scrollTop()) > 0) {
"marginTop": ($(window).scrollTop() - 500) + "px"
}, "slow");
} else {
"marginTop": "0px"
}, "slow");
Solution 5:
Simpler solution:
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