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Showing posts from April, 2024

Css Styling To Show End Of Single Text String

I have a long text string. How do I get all the text to show on one line and with a certain width, … Read more Css Styling To Show End Of Single Text String

Extract Img Tag From A Html Code String Through Preg_match_all Php Function

I've some html code and extracted the img src attribute from it. Into the html string there are… Read more Extract Img Tag From A Html Code String Through Preg_match_all Php Function

Show Images Based On Two Checkboxes State

I am trying to achieve following using HTML, CSS, JS. I have two check boxes and 4 Images: If none… Read more Show Images Based On Two Checkboxes State

Load The Video Element Last

I've got a video element at the top of my page, I was wondering if theres any way to load it af… Read more Load The Video Element Last

I Want To Make A Header That Freezes

So I'm trying to make a header that freezes. I have a top navigation under a banner, and I want… Read more I Want To Make A Header That Freezes

Generate Rows In A Table Using Javascript

I'm trying to use javascript to insert new rows in a table when I click a button .This is the t… Read more Generate Rows In A Table Using Javascript

How To Put A Min-height In A Relative Class Css?

I'm actually designing my website, it's going to be a one HTML page using javascript to swi… Read more How To Put A Min-height In A Relative Class Css?

Plotting Geojson Points In Html

I am creating a webmap similar to the example here example, but with my data. My geojson points won… Read more Plotting Geojson Points In Html

How To Change Css Styles Dynamically Using Php/mysql..i Want To Create Themes That Are Unique To Each User?

i want to change the color scheme of my i have given the color picker and other tools … Read more How To Change Css Styles Dynamically Using Php/mysql..i Want To Create Themes That Are Unique To Each User?

How To Set Table Cell Value Using Jquery

I would like to set the value of all the cells of a table by iterating through them. Ideally I woul… Read more How To Set Table Cell Value Using Jquery

Getvalue Not Working On Custom Template

I've been able to make my own field, using a costum template. This field consist in a textField… Read more Getvalue Not Working On Custom Template

How To Animate Css Animated Hamburger Icon On Mouseover

I've got an animated CSS Hamburger icon at… Read more How To Animate Css Animated Hamburger Icon On Mouseover

Trying To Get Total Amount Based On User Input

I have a page where a user can submit a form, that works fine, but I want to have a quantity field … Read more Trying To Get Total Amount Based On User Input

Instagram - Bootstrap 3 Carousel With Instafeedjs

I am using instafeedjs to display the pictures on a site. I am trying to add Bootstrap 3 carousel b… Read more Instagram - Bootstrap 3 Carousel With Instafeedjs

How To Apply Mask In Pixijs Container That Will Not Show It's Color At Page Refresh?

I'm using the code below to apply a mask in a container, but after I click the refresh button o… Read more How To Apply Mask In Pixijs Container That Will Not Show It's Color At Page Refresh?

Best Way To Access External Javascript File And Place Contents In Div?

So, lets say you have a page that wants to load from a javascript file and it includes temp.html f… Read more Best Way To Access External Javascript File And Place Contents In Div?

Bootstrap Dropdown Open On Pageload

Ive got this dropdown styled with bootstrap: 15min <li class = "dropdown open" > Co… Read more Bootstrap Dropdown Open On Pageload

How To Escape Quotes In A Mysql Query?

Example: The follwing query give me Quotes error in the field -> GET['email'] mysql… Read more How To Escape Quotes In A Mysql Query?

Create Divs Associated To Objects

I asked a similar question earlier but I haven't been able to find anything to help me. I have … Read more Create Divs Associated To Objects

Upload File With One Button

How can I make a button in the html you need to send files that allow you to select the file and th… Read more Upload File With One Button

Can't Update Inner Html With Jquery, It Turns Back Immediately

I have been trying to make this very simple feature work where the user clicks the submit button an… Read more Can't Update Inner Html With Jquery, It Turns Back Immediately

Html Canvas - Dotted Stroke Around Circle

I do know there is no native support for doing dotted stroke lines rendered on a canvas, but I have… Read more Html Canvas - Dotted Stroke Around Circle

How To Display A Javascript Var In Html Body

I am looking for a way to call a javascript number in the body of an html page. This does not have … Read more How To Display A Javascript Var In Html Body

If Html Page Doesn't Have The Special Links, Then Give An Alert With Javascript

A javascript function must search the special links (copyright urls) in a web page (html body). If… Read more If Html Page Doesn't Have The Special Links, Then Give An Alert With Javascript

How To Decode "content-encoding: Gzip, Gzip" Using Curl?

I am trying to decode the webpage using CURL by using the below code: $ch = curl_i… Read more How To Decode "content-encoding: Gzip, Gzip" Using Curl?

How Do I Test Error Conditions In Html5 Pages With Cucumber?

I am testing web application behavior with Cucumber (using Selenium and Watir under the hood). My w… Read more How Do I Test Error Conditions In Html5 Pages With Cucumber?

How To Remove .html From Url?

How to remove .html from the URL of a static page? Also, I need to redirect any url with .html to … Read more How To Remove .html From Url?

Trigger Event From Iframe

I have two Webparts on a sharepoint site ... thats basicly like haveing two iframes . What I want t… Read more Trigger Event From Iframe

"save As" Dialog Box When Downloading A File On Web Browser

I need to open an 'Save As' dialog box where the user clicks on a link in the browser. The … Read more "save As" Dialog Box When Downloading A File On Web Browser

Div Table (4x4)

I am looking for a div table, with 4 columns and 4 rows. I would like the width to be 100%, I would… Read more Div Table (4x4)

Freezing Header In A Table In Html

Here, I have one table, i want to fix that header while scrolling JS Read more Freezing Header In A Table In Html

How To Get The Name Of A Submitted Form In Flask?

I'm building a website using Flask, and on one page I've got two forms. If there's a PO… Read more How To Get The Name Of A Submitted Form In Flask?

How Do I Set A Maxlength For Codeigniters Form_textarea()?

I am trying to set a maxlength for the form_textarea() in Codeigniter. I tried the following: '… Read more How Do I Set A Maxlength For Codeigniters Form_textarea()?

How Can I Display Html Source Code Within A Html Website?

I'm using the tag for displaying source code on a website and now need to display some HTML. I… Read more How Can I Display Html Source Code Within A Html Website?

How Do I Add A New Font Of My Choice Into Visual Studio Code?

I am fairly new at coding and I'm struggling with the following issue. I have searched numerous… Read more How Do I Add A New Font Of My Choice Into Visual Studio Code?

Unable To Populate Chained Dropdown List With Ajax And Javascript

I'm new to Ajax, and programming in general, and I am currently in the midst of learning as I g… Read more Unable To Populate Chained Dropdown List With Ajax And Javascript

How To Iterate Through Table And Sum Values Jquery

Can someone help me with how to iterate through my table and summing the value of quantity * price … Read more How To Iterate Through Table And Sum Values Jquery

Selecting Text Only Following Certain Elements Using Javascript/jquery

As shown in the following snippet I have multiple divs of text where there is a bolded portion, the… Read more Selecting Text Only Following Certain Elements Using Javascript/jquery

How To Save Data With White Spaces In Local Storage Using Javascript In Html5?

Data is fetched from web service in variable. How to store the data with white spaces ex:'Bread… Read more How To Save Data With White Spaces In Local Storage Using Javascript In Html5?

Jquery Mobile Pinch Zoom Image Only

I have a working JQM application that I'd like to display some images in. The images currently… Read more Jquery Mobile Pinch Zoom Image Only

Using Regex To Wrap Images In Tags

I've been using regex to wrap my images in < a > tags and altering their paths etc. I kno… Read more Using Regex To Wrap Images In Tags

Extract Text From Html File With Beautifulsoup/python

I am trying to extract the text from a html file. The html file looks like this: Copy Returns: Bade… Read more Extract Text From Html File With Beautifulsoup/python

Div Next To Image

I'm teaching and i have problem. Div is under image, but I want next to. I tried with setting … Read more Div Next To Image

Substring Without Breaking Html C#

Hi guys I'm trying to take a description which has been entered in a wysiwyg editor and take a … Read more Substring Without Breaking Html C#

How Can I Send Data From One Django Application To Another?

Here is my issue. I need to send a form from one Django application to another (on separate machine… Read more How Can I Send Data From One Django Application To Another?

Selected Text Editing

I am a iPhone app developer.I am changing the color of selected text. This is working fine for me. … Read more Selected Text Editing

How Do I Restrict A Collapsible Item To Stay Expanded Unless I Click The Other Collapsible Items To Expand But Not The Collapsible Item Itself

I am working on a mobile website and using jquerymobile. I have 4 collapsible items in an accordion… Read more How Do I Restrict A Collapsible Item To Stay Expanded Unless I Click The Other Collapsible Items To Expand But Not The Collapsible Item Itself

Css Set Attribute To Element But Not To Descendants

Is there a way in pure CSS of changing the color of an item but not it's descendants? Let's… Read more Css Set Attribute To Element But Not To Descendants