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Increase Text Size In Konva.js Map When User Zooms Out

so my question is the following. Using Javascript, HTML, CSS and the library Konvas.js, I'm drawing in a grid, creating segments. Each of those segments as a real value, as presen

Solution 1:

You just need to scale (or increase fontSize) the text every time you zoom your canvas.

It can be something like this:

// find current absolute scalingconst absoluteScale = text.getAbsoluteScale();

// now we want to have absolute scale = 1,// then how much do we need to change current scale of the text?const deltaX = 1 / absoluteScale.x;
const deltaY = 1 / absoluteScale.y;

text.scaleX(text.scaleX() * deltaX);
text.scaleY(text.scaleY() * deltaY);

Also, you may need to set offsetX and offsetY or change x and y to make sure that the text stays on a consistent position.

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