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Splitting Digits Only From List Prints In Python And Save Into Csv

how to split the numbers in the output (the list) its large though and then export into CSV print(list) output ['id=31535&requestId=16152331&ln=143833'] ['id=31539&requ

Solution 1:

Using regex you could do this:

import re
import csv
fn = 'csvtest1.csv'
din = [['id=31535&requestId=16152331&ln=143833'],
withopen(fn, 'w', newline='') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    writer.writerow(['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3'])
    for itm in din:
        writer.writerow(re.findall(r'\d+', str(itm)))

This would yield csv formatted file named csvtest1.csv which contains the following:

'Col1',    'Col2',      'Col3'
 31535,    16152331,   143833
 31539,    16152331,   143833
 31540,    16152331,   143832
 31541,    16152331,   143831
 31542,    16152331,   143845

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