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Is There A Way Of Accessing Html Tag Attribute In Css Within Shadow-dom?

I'm creating a custom component with StencilJS and I have to made some changes of the outline when the user is using the keyboard or the mouse to navigate into the component. My c

Solution 1:

Supersharp's answer is correct, however it's not StencilJS code and also host-context support is flakey (doesn't work in Firefox and probably IE11).

You can 'transfer' the attribute to the host element, and then use the selector from inside the host component style:


privateintent: String;

componentWillLoad() {
    this.intent = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('data-whatintent');

hostData() {
    return {
        'data-whatintent': this.intent


:host([data-whatintent="keyboard"]) *:focus {
    outline: solid 2px#1A79C6;

If the data-whatintent attribute changes dynamically, make it a property of the component, and have the listener function update your component. You can optionally use the property to add/remove classes to the host for styling, although you could also continue to use the attribute selector.


@Prop({ mutable: true, reflectToAtrr: true }) dataWhatintent: String;

componentWillLoad() {
    this.dataWhatintent = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('data-whatintent');

hostData() {
    return {
        class: { 
            'data-intent-keyboard': this.dataWhatintent === 'keyboard' 


:host(.data-intent-keyboard) *:focus {
    outline: solid 2px#1A79C6;

Document's keyboard and mouse event handler:

functionintentHandler(event: Event) {
    const intent = event instanceofKeyboardEvent ? 'keyboard' : 'mouse';
        el => el.setAttribute('data-whatintent', intent)

Solution 2:

You sould use :host-context() to apply a CSS style in a Shadow DOM depending on the context where the Custom Element is used.

customElements.define( 'my-custom-component', classextendsHTMLElement {
    constructor() {
        this.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
            .innerHTML = `
                :host-context( [data-whatinput=keyboard] ) *:focus {
                   outline: solid 2px #1A79C6;
              <input value="Hello">`
} )         

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