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How To Style Directory Listings With Apache Mod_autoindex Using NameWidth & HTMLTable?

I am trying to adjust NameWidth while using HTMLTable but without success. Consider these settings (# = comment): IndexOptions FancyIndexing

Solution 1:

This can actually be done using only Apache directives. I'm very late answering this question, but I'm leaving this for future reference. This works for Apache v2.2+.

You can use CSS to style individual columns/elements using the IndexStyleSheet directive:

  1. Add an IndexStyleSheet directive just before your HeaderName line e.g. IndexStyleSheet /url/to/css/index_body.css

  2. In index_body.css, set your preferred column padding with padding-left and padding-right properties and include align properties to replace the default HTML align tags that will be automatically removed. th classes refer to the column header labels; td classes refer to the column contents; CSS class names are in the format indexcol<column name>:

     * Apache Auto-Index Style Sheet
     * Created 10/03/2019
    /* Include padding to the right of the Name column */ 
    td.indexcolname {
      padding-right: 1em;
    /* Preserve the default alignment for the Last Modified column */ 
    td.indexcollastmod {
      align: right;
    /* Align the Size column header label and make the column wider */
    th.indexcolsize {
      padding-left: 3em;
      align: right;
    /* Align the Size column values and make the column wider */
    td.indexcolsize {
      padding-left: 3em;
      align: right;
  1. Note: If your configuration includes the IndexOptions SuppressHTMLPreamble directive, the resulting Index page HTML will not automatically include a link to your IndexStyleSheet URL. You can manually add a link to your HeaderName file (header.html, for this question):
    <link href="/url/to/css/index_body.css" rel="stylesheet">
  1. Some additional resources:

    Official Apache documentation for IndexStyleSheet

    A GitHub project that allows you to theme your index listings

Solution 2:

I have created using php with css3,html5 and some jquery libraries

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