PHP Random Number Not Working
Solution 1:
You're generating your random value EVERYTIME the page is loaded. e.g. when the person first visits it and gets the form, you generate 2
. When the form is submitted, you generate ANOTHER value, and this time it's 3
. So even though the user correctly answers 2
, you say they're wrong because the you've forgotten what you originally asked.
You need to store the generated value somehow, and compare that to the response, e.g.
$rand = rand(1,3);
<input type="hidden" name="correct_answer" value="$rand">
if ($_POST['correct_answer'] == $_POST['user_answer']) {
echo 'correct';
Solution 2:
The problem is your logic, you do not store the generated number that is used to show the image, instead you generate a new number every time you open the page.
You should store the generated number in (for example...) a session to preserve it and use that to compare.
Solution 3:
Try it:
$random = floor(rand(1, 4));
I hope it helps.
Solution 4:
Add the following hidden field in your form, using value="<?php echo $answer ?>"
and it will work with your present code.
<input type="hidden" name="correct_answer" value="<?php echo $answer ?>">
Matter 'o fact, you don't even need name="correct_answer"
Just do:
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $answer ?>">
Remember when you test this, you have a "1 in 3" chance for success!
Here's the code that I used:
$random = rand(1, 3);
if ($random == 1) { $answer = "chicago" ;}
elseif($random == 2) {$answer = "LA" ;}
elseif($random == 3) {$answer = "NewYork" ;}
else {echo "Answer is None" ; }
if (isset($_POST["choice"])) {
$a = $_POST["choice"];
if($a ==$answer){
echo "<br> working <br>" ;
}else {echo "<br> Not Working <br>";}
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>City Guess</title>
<img src="four/Image_<?php echo $random ;?>.jpg" width="960" height="639" alt=""/>
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $answer ?>">
chicago <input type= "radio" name="choice" value="chicago" />
LA <input type= "radio" name="choice" value="LA" />
NewYork <input type= "radio" name="choice" value="NewYork" />
<input type ="submit" value="Submit" />
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