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Showing posts from July, 2022

How To Make Text Wrap Above And Below A Div?

I have no problem getting text to wrap around a div when tops of the elements are aligned, but I ca… Read more How To Make Text Wrap Above And Below A Div?

Multi Select Dropdownlist Preselection

I would like to fill the with preselected values depending on my database model. So if there exis… Read more Multi Select Dropdownlist Preselection

How Can I Add Rel = "nofollow" To A Link In CKEditor If It's An External Link

i want to give rel='nofollow' to my external links which its content managed by ckeditor. … Read more How Can I Add Rel = "nofollow" To A Link In CKEditor If It's An External Link

How To Get All Labels And Its Input Elements In Javascript

I would like to get all labels and its input elements using Javascript. I have also radio, checkbox… Read more How To Get All Labels And Its Input Elements In Javascript

Bootstrap Carousel With Thumbnail

I have a bootstrap carousel which has html content display sliding. The issue here is, it works fin… Read more Bootstrap Carousel With Thumbnail

Fading A Loaded Image Into Canvas With DrawImage

This question about crossfading images already gave an answer to the crossfading solution in Canvas… Read more Fading A Loaded Image Into Canvas With DrawImage

I Want To Find Vowel Occurences In Javascript Using Switch Statement

I want to write a function with a switch statement to count the number of occurrences of any two vo… Read more I Want To Find Vowel Occurences In Javascript Using Switch Statement

Angular 7 - Add Drag And Drop Behaviour To Dynamically Created Components

This is in continuation of the previous question I asked on SO: Add directives to component selecto… Read more Angular 7 - Add Drag And Drop Behaviour To Dynamically Created Components

How To Add And Combine Text Value Of 2 Textarea Elements And Populate The Combined Text In A Third Textarea Using JavaScript?

Hi I have 3 textarea elements say tb1,tb2 and tb3. The text values of tb2 and tb3 should get popula… Read more How To Add And Combine Text Value Of 2 Textarea Elements And Populate The Combined Text In A Third Textarea Using JavaScript?

Stretched Image In Carousel Bootstrap

I am using Bootstrap 4. There I have a carousel with picture. The images keep showing stretched. Id… Read more Stretched Image In Carousel Bootstrap

How To Draw A Route Between Two Markers In Google Maps API?

I have a requirement where, onclick, I have to draw a route in between two markers when I select. I… Read more How To Draw A Route Between Two Markers In Google Maps API?

Change Font Family And Font Size Using HtmlAgilitPack

I need to change font family and font size of the given HTML to a specific font family and size. (… Read more Change Font Family And Font Size Using HtmlAgilitPack

JQuery Functions, One To Display Dropdown On Click And Another To Get Selected Item From Dropdown

I have an unordered list (HTML below and Javascript code is below). The first function 'display… Read more JQuery Functions, One To Display Dropdown On Click And Another To Get Selected Item From Dropdown

Language="javascript" Vs. Type="text/javascript"

For adding JavaScript to HTML, I have seen people use Read more Language="javascript" Vs. Type="text/javascript"

How To Use Labels Inside Loops With AngularJS

So I'm inside an ng-repeat like this: name Solution 1: The correct sol… Read more How To Use Labels Inside Loops With AngularJS

Add Bottom Box Shadow To The Menu On Scrollup And Scrolldown

I have a menu with this CSS properties: #header { width: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: 9000… Read more Add Bottom Box Shadow To The Menu On Scrollup And Scrolldown

Censoring Words Within Html Page Using Javascript

I'm trying to make a function that gets a word and censors it in an html document but the funct… Read more Censoring Words Within Html Page Using Javascript

KineticJS Layer Index When Dragging

So my problem seems to be that a draggable object always is drawn over other objects. Check out my… Read more KineticJS Layer Index When Dragging

Dealing With Mouseenter And Mouseleave On The IPad

I have a typical looking drop down menu that is hidden by default but by the following jQuery magic… Read more Dealing With Mouseenter And Mouseleave On The IPad

How To Send Data From Input To Service?

I have a problem with a sending data form input to the service. For example I have an input: Sol… Read more How To Send Data From Input To Service?